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Mental Health Matters: Understanding the Whats, Whys and Hows of mental health

Did you know that globally every 1 in 6 individuals has, at some point in their lives, suffered from some type of mental illness?

These individuals could be our father, mother, son, daughter, neighbor, friend, or it could be ourselves. Mental illness could manifest as prolonged anxiety, depression, eating disorders like Anorexia or Bulimia, OCD or even phobias .

We have so much going on in our respective lives. Work, studies, bills to pay, deadlines to reach, goals to chase, responsibilities to fulfill and not to forget the current coronavirus pandemic. This can lead to our health, especially mental health being pushed aside and ignored.

Mental health is a very important and fundamental part of our overall well being. Yet, recognition of mental illness and its awareness about the importance of mental health is very much limited and overlooked.

It’s time we speak up about the matters of mental health.

What is Mental health and Why it matters?

Being healthy is not just about eating well or doing rounds at a gym. Health is a much broader topic with a much more comprehensive definition. Health cannot be achieved by doing one or the other.

Mental Health is one such fundamental component of our well being that is often ignored.

Mental Health is the overall estimate of a person’s emotional, psychological and social well being. All this affects how a person feels about his surroundings and responds to stimuli.

Poor mental health often leads to mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, psychological disorders, etc and deterioration in physical health too.

A recent study found out that people with low emotional support and disruptive mental health have a higher chance of contracting chronic illnesses like diabetes, unstable blood pressure, insomnia, etc.

In some extreme cases, serious mental illness can reduce a person’s life expectancy by 10 to 20 years, according to a review by Oxford University.

Thus, it is of prime importance to focus on your mind and inner self.

Where to draw the line?

It is normal to feel intense emotions like sadness, anger, stress, etc from time to time. Feelings like stress over losing your job or sadness over financial issues are temporary and can be tackled by correct support and a positive approach.

However, some of us experience more serious problems that are related to our psychological and mental well being. These types of health issues don’t crop up overnight. These are gradual and are reflected in the way you talk, think and communicate with people.

Mental health issues like anxiety, depression, disorders, phobias render a person helpless and not in control of their own thoughts. If left untreated these issues can lead to serious consequences.

Examine your feelings

Most of us feel low, fatigued or tired at some point in our lives. But if this feeling is consistent, recurring and affects your daily life and relations with people adversely, then it’s an indicator that all is not well.

Take out time for yourself and examine your emotions and feelings.

Do you feel that:

  • Your feelings of anxiety, fear, or worry are prolonged and hard for you to control

  • You feel as if your life has lost all meaning and purpose

  • You are experiencing suicidal thoughts or are observing self-harming behavior in yourself

  • Finding it difficult to focus or concentrate for even short periods

  • Sleeping too much or too little

  • Excessive eating or eating too little

  • Everyday day tasks like cleaning, washing, cooking feel very difficult to manage

  • Experiencing hallucinations

  • Feeling low and tired for prolonged periods of time accompanied by anxiety

  • Isolating yourself

  • Not being able to maintain your social relationships

  • Not being able to come to terms with reality; living in denial

If you’re experiencing a combination or even one of these symptoms or observe these symptoms in someone, then seek professional help immediately.

Early awareness and intervention can help you or your loved ones receive appropriate care and ensure a faster recovery.

Causes of disruptive mental health

There is no singled out cause for tumultuous mental health because we all experience life differently. The reasons are wide-ranging and vary from person to person. Some of the common causes are as follows -

  • Persistent and severe stress due to work, studies, finances, etc

  • A traumatic experience(s) in the past

  • Social isolation

  • Low self-esteem

  • Having a long term physical condition or ailment

  • Substance abuse

  • Experienced stigma or rejection from your community

  • Difficulties in personal relationships

  • Caring for someone else who is dependent on you

  • Impact of bereavement

  • Unhealthy surroundings

Being aware of what affects mental health can help us make informed decisions and provide appropriate support to ourselves or our loved ones.

Why is awareness important?

Despite millions of people struggling with their mental health globally, there is still stigma and lack of understanding regarding it.

Lack of awareness and empathy are major barriers to seeking help and promoting better mental health. In addition, there exists a fair amount of misconception about mental health due to media stereotypes and lack of education. A great number of people still believe that people with mental issues are over-exaggerating about their conditions, are weak, are just faking it up for attention or are just plain lazy and unambitious.

These negative conceptions about mental health make the affected people struggle more. Lack of understanding, empathy and compassion from our side discourages them to reach out for help, forces them to keep quiet and suffer in silence.

Mental health is a very real issue that affects real people. It leads to many disorders, anxiety, stress, withdrawal from society, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and can even lead to death.

It’s high time that we stop trivializing such an important part of our lives.

It’s important to deal with the stigma, taboo and lack of awareness regarding our mental health. Rather than being judgemental, it’s our duty to be sensitive, spread awareness and be understanding regarding mental health.

How to Cope

The great thing about mental health is that with proper guidance and support it can be improved and treated completely. It is important to realise that it can be completely healed.

It is advised to consult a medical professional to deal with more serious and pertinent problems.

  • Distract Yourself

Engage in a relaxing and enjoyable activity to clear your mind and shift your focus.

Some of the activities can include -

  1. Listening to upbeat music

  2. Reading an engaging book

  3. Watching a funny movie

  4. Creative tasks like drawing or painting etc.

  • Head Outdoors

A study by Science Direct found that spending time outdoors can do wonders for your mental health. Time spent outdoors or in a natural setting helps in significantly improving physical, emotional, and mental health.

Simple things like just cycling around the neighborhood or walking in the local park, or doing anything that exposes you to sunlight and fresh air increases blood circulation to the brain, as well as promote the release of “happy” chemicals like serotonin and endorphins.

  • Exercise often

Recent researches show that people who engaged in physical activities very rarely were more prone to develop anxiety symptoms as compared to those who were more physically active.

Moving and exercising your body decreases muscle tension which helps you feel calm and decreases anxiety.

Thus, taking out some time to focus on your physical health may help relieve anxiety and stress.

  • Meditate

The best technique to regain composure and restore mental calm is to meditate and implement various relaxation techniques.

Meditation paired with breathing exercises like 4-7-8 technique (Where you inhale till the count of 4, hold your breath till the count of 7 and exhale till the count of 8), also provides a rejuvenating effect making you feel more centered, refreshed and energized.

  • Adopt a healthier lifestyle

Make healthier changes both on and off work to feel better both mentally and physically. Eat well-balanced meals, follow a proper routine and avoid skipping meals. Get proper sleep and make sure that you’re well-rested.

  • Maintain an optimistic attitude

Focus on the good, beautiful, and positive aspects of life. Make an effort to replace negative thoughts with positive and happy ones. Appreciate and be grateful for the small, everyday blessings.

How to help others

Here are a few steps that we all can take to support and empower people dealing with mental health issues and help improve their psychological quotient.

  • Do your research

Whether helping a person cope or dealing with issues yourself, it is of prime importance to be aware of the problems that you’re facing. There exist plenty of articles, videos and information on the internet that will help you become more aware.

  • Reach out and connect

Human beings are social animals. Being in the company of loved ones or a support group not only gives us joy and satisfaction but works wonders for mental health too. Several studies have shown that social support helps people cope better and recover faster because of the caring environment and the due attention that they receive.

  • Kindness matters

Even something as simple as volunteering at NGOs, helping your elderly neighbors, feeding the homeless, being there for your friend or even complimenting a stranger can help them and improve their mood and increase positive feelings.

  • Show respect and acceptance

Helping a person who is going through stress, anxiety or depression requires a lot of understanding, patience and love on your part. Don’t treat their illness as a taboo or jump to conclusions. Respect the way they feel and assure them that it is okay to feel this way. It is a temporary feeling.

  • Lend a helping hand

Being there for people who struggle mentally is much more than just hopping onto a viral trend. If you really want to help people, make sure that you are actually present when they require your support. Listen to what they have to say and try and direct them towards professional help in serious cases.

Mental health matters and is as important as being physically fit. With proper guidance and care you can achieve both physical and mental wellness, leading to a state of optimum wellness.

Brahma Wellness

Brahma wellness believes that health is a multi-dimensional concept which is not only limited to paying attention towards being physically fit. We recognize that wellness stems from balance and not by merely perfecting the tangible aspects of our body.

Yoga, meditation, lifestyle re-hauling, and mental wellness are key components of our wellness programs. We believe that optimum wellness can only be achieved by creating balance and harmony between our physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

Our numerous services range from providing customized workplace wellness programs tailored according to the company’s requirements to wellness programs for individuals,

We also provide off-site wellness centers and holistic wellness retreats running under the care of wellness and healthcare experts dedicated to helping you reach de-stress and steer clear of anxiety.

Through Brahma Wellness, your mind, body and soul are all tended to in a comprehensive and integrated manner. Thus, enabling you to experience wellness on a deeper level that allows for a more optimistic, joyful and healthy way of living

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