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The unrest that the Covid19 pandemic has brought into our lives is unlike anything we’ve seen before. And while the virus has serious physical implications, we also can’t deny the lasting effect it leaves on our mental health.

Recent surveys have found that worries and apprehensions stemming from the pandemic - health and safety concerns, financial issues, risk of losing jobs, uncertainty about the future all has led to a steep increase in anxiety and stress levels among people. What’s more, is that the impact of all these is said to be long-lasting.

While a person may recover from Covid19 within a few weeks, he/she may still suffer from its mental implications for the coming years.

Thus, to ensure your comprehensive well being in these tough times, along with taking precautions and being physically fit, we should also focus on managing our mental health.

With major unrest across the world, feeling low, tired and dejected is normal and inevitable, especially in times like these.

Most of us feel low, fatigued or tired at some point in our lives. But if this feeling is consistent, recurring and affects your daily life and relations with people adversely, then we need to pause and take back control of our lives.

Here are a few simple tips to help manage the mental health impacts of COVID-19, have a healthy mind in these times and remain positive during the coronavirus pandemic.

Digital Detox

Does your day start with watching the news, analyzing the number of cases? And your day ends with the news, catching up on the statuses of various vaccine candidates across the world?

It’s good to be informed, but the news and constant overloading of information may be doing more harm than good.

Being bombarded by loads of information, unsolicited and fake news from channels, social media, the internet and self-proclaimed medical experts takes a toll on our mental health.

Our notifications are articles about the pandemic, news channels present stories about coronavirus, conferences about its effects and debates about how the future is uncertain. All this certainly makes us anxious and gives us unnecessary stress.

Thus, it becomes very important to take a break and give some time to your mind to process and relax and steer clear of the negativity.

And while we can’t completely cut off sources of information, we can choose to manage them in a way that doesn’t overwhelm us.

Instead of getting too consumed by the news and reading every article available online, restrict yourself to check the headline only once a day.

Choose reliable and trusted sources of information. Prefer news sites or organizations that focus on delivering correct facts rather than assumptions and unnecessary conjecture.

Take out time for yourself

Due to the pandemic, classrooms and our offices have now shifted to our homes.

While this is a welcome step from the point of view of precaution and safety, it is causing some mental distress in people as well.

When we work from home, there are no set working hours and no fixed breaks. This leads to uncertainty and undue stress.

To ensure optimum mental health set a certain number of hours for work and take short breaks of 20-30 minutes in between if needed. Don’t push yourself too hard.

When you are done for the day make sure to wind down by indulging in activities that are relaxing. Activities like dancing, singing, meditation, cooking, reading not only take your mind off stressful situations but also make you happy and calm.

Make sure to exercise regularly, recent researches have found out that people who are more physically active are less likely to be diagnosed with any type of mental health issue.

Regular exercises boost the level of endorphin, which improves your mood and makes you happy.

Moving and exercising your body decreases muscle tension which helps you feel calm and decreases anxiety. Thus exercising is a great way of not only being physically fit but improving your mental health too.

Reach out and connect

These days we are so preoccupied with ourselves that we forget we have friends and family too. Being in the company of loved ones or a support group not only gives us joy and satisfaction but works wonders for mental health too.

Be there for people when they need your help and reach out when you need help.

Don’t hesitate to talk about your feelings, expressing pent up emotions brings relief and calms you of your worries.

Talking to people around us is reassuring and validating. Knowing that you’re not alone gives you courage and eases mental stress and anxiety.

Be grateful

Such unprecedented times make us apprehensive and we tend to focus on the negatives only. This negativity not only overwhelms us but makes us dejected and hampers our mental health.

Make a list of all things you are thankful for, it can be anything - having good friends, having a place to live, your health, your pet, etc. Make a habit of reading this list daily.

This will allow you to be grateful and thankful for what you have rather than focusing and about the inconveniences in your life.

Appreciation of small and major things alike in your life will not give you a positive outlook but will also help you be better prepared for handling life’s challenges in a graceful manner.

Don’t Panic

We all are apprehensive about going outside from the fear of contracting the virus. Every time we watch a person cough or just even sniffle we automatically suspect them of being a potential patient. Don’t assume the worst and do not panic. This not only affects the people around you but hampers with your mental health too.

If you observe yourself or someone else with the symptoms instead of jumping to conclusions, stay calm and intelligently analyze the situation. If you have taken all the precautions and practiced social distancing, chances are you may be suffering from general cold and flu.

Volunteer for self-isolation and home quarantine until the situation improves. However, if the symptoms persist and worsen, immediately contact a doctor and seek professional help.

Most importantly - Practice self-compassion

This pandemic is proving itself to be the biggest challenge in recent human history.

It’s normal to be overwhelmed and indecisive. It’s completely okay to feel and go through an entire range of emotions in a short time. Taking out time to take care of yourself and focusing on your health does not make you selfish.

Be gentle with yourself and accept that you can also feel low and tired at times.

Remember that you can help others only if you’re at your optimum level of health.

This year has taken us for a wild ride. And amidst a global pandemic, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed, stressed and unsure about the coming days.

It’s okay to not be okay. But make sure that you don’t let the negative feelings overwhelm you or your loved ones. Take precautions, focus on the positives, be kind to yourself and others.

These sure are troubling times but with precaution, awareness and mutual support, we shall overcome this too.

Brahma Wellness

Brahma wellness believes that health is a multi-dimensional concept which is not only limited to paying attention towards being physically fit. We recognize that wellness stems from balance and not by merely perfecting the tangible aspects of our body.

Yoga, meditation, lifestyle re-hauling, and mental wellness are key components of our wellness programs. We believe that optimum wellness can only be achieved by creating balance and harmony between our physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

Our numerous services range from providing customized workplace wellness programs tailored according to the company’s requirements to wellness programs for individuals,

We also provide off-site wellness centers and holistic wellness retreats running under the care of wellness and healthcare experts dedicated to helping you reach de-stress and steer clear of anxiety.

Through Brahma Wellness, your mind, body and soul are all tended to in a comprehensive and integrated manner. Thus, enabling you to experience wellness on a deeper level that allows for a more optimistic, joyful and healthy way of living.

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